Struggling to attract qualified leads for your B2B SaaS product?

In today’s digital landscape, organic traffic is king. But with so much competition, how do you get your software noticed by the right businesses? Enter B2B SaaS SEO.

This targeted SEO strategy helps you climb search engine rankings, attract high-intent users, and convert them into paying customers.

This article dives deep into the world of B2B SaaS SEO, outlining the key steps to take to dominate search results and generate leads on autopilot.

What is B2B SaaS SEO?

With 68% of website traffic starting from a search query, itโ€™s no wonder that SaaS businesses are increasingly focusing on adopting SEO for their SaaS.ย 

But what is SaaS SEO essentially?

SEO for B2B SaaS encompasses the strategic process of optimizing your SaaS website to enhance its visibility and ranking on major search engines like Google and Bing.ย 

By targeting relevant keywords and implementing various SEO techniques, such as keyword research, technical optimization, and link building, B2B SaaS SEO aims to attract organic traffic, generate leads, and ultimately acquire customers interested in the software solutions your company offers.

One of the primary objectives of SaaS SEO is to secure a prominent position in search engine results pages (SERPs) for key industry-related terms.

For instance, if your SaaS product is a project management tool, achieving a top-ranking position for keywords like “best free project management software” is crucial.ย 

Clickup Saas SEO best project management software free screenshot

If you go to the SEMRush keyword explorer the focus keyword โ€œbest free project management softwareโ€ has a monthly search volume of 2500 SaaS-oriented searches. In addition, this keyword has an average CPC of $11.69 which shows the competitive nature of this keyword in PPC. SEMRUSH Screenshot showing SaaS SEO potential for search term

While paid advertising (PPC) can offer immediate visibility, SaaS SEO provides sustainable results over the long term, even without continuous investment.

SEO and PPC offer contrasting cost structures.

SEO is like a marathon – you invest in things like content creation and tools upfront, but don’t pay for clicks. PPC is more like a sprint – you see results quickly by paying for each ad click, but the costs can add up fast.

In the long run, SEO is typically more cost-effective, but PPC can deliver faster results.

By implementing effective B2B SaaS SEO strategies, you can not only attract potential customers but also build trust and authority within your industry.ย 

And there are thousands of businesses online that have scaled using SaaS SEO as their core strategy.ย 

Some have even gone to IPO partly based on the marketing support provided by SaaS SEO.

Point in case is where they wrote 1000 articles in a year which catapulted their organic search traffic from 100,000 visitors to over a million monthly visitors.

All in all SaaS is critical if you want to build a sustainable foundation for your product.ย 

Moreover, optimizing your website for search engines can lead to improved conversion rates and reduced customer acquisition costs, making it a vital component of your overall marketing strategy.

What Makes SEO for B2B SaaS Different?

SEO for B2B SaaS presents unique challenges and opportunities that set it apart from traditional SEO practices.

While many principles remain consistent across industries, several key factors distinguish SaaS SEO strategies:

Complex Sales Cycles: SaaS companies typically operate with longer and more intricate sales cycles compared to other industries.

This complexity necessitates the creation of tailored content for various stages of the buyer’s journey, focusing equally on customer acquisition and retention.

Unlike industries focused solely on generating traffic or one-time purchases, SaaS businesses must address the ongoing needs of users throughout the customer lifecycle.

An SEO-first approach can be a powerful tool even for B2B SaaS companies with long sales cycles. Here’s how:

  • Top-of-Funnel Awareness: SEO excels at attracting qualified leads early in the buyer’s journey. By ranking high for relevant keywords, you ensure your B2B SaaS product is in front of decision-makers when they’re researching solutions.

  • Content Nurtures Leads: SEO allows you to create valuable content (articles, guides, whitepapers) that educates potential customers and positions you as a thought leader. This content keeps your brand top-of-mind throughout the extended sales cycle.

  • Builds Trust and Credibility: High SEO rankings indicate expertise and authority. This builds trust with potential customers who are likely to conduct in-depth research before committing to a B2B SaaS purchase.

  • Cost-Effective Lead Generation: Compared to paid advertising, SEO offers a more sustainable and cost-effective way to generate leads over time. Once your SEO is optimized, it continues to attract qualified leads organically.

Dual Product and Service Offering: Unlike traditional product-based businesses, SaaS companies offer both a product and an ongoing service.

Beyond acquiring new customers, SaaS SEO must also prioritize maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty through continuous software support and exceptional customer service.

This dual nature of the offering requires a nuanced approach to SEO that addresses the diverse needs of users at different stages of the sales funnel, from informational research to post-purchase support.

Absolutely, SEO and content marketing can be a powerful combination for B2B SaaS companies offering a dual product and service package. Here’s how:

  • Targeted Content for Each Offering: Craft separate content strategies for your product and service, targeting relevant keywords for each. This ensures potential customers searching for either product or service solution can find you.

  • Highlight Value Proposition of Both: Develop content that showcases how your product and service work together seamlessly, creating a more comprehensive solution for B2B clients. Case studies and customer testimonials can be particularly effective here.

  • Content Clusters for Deeper Visibility: Create content clusters around themes related to your product and service. This builds topical authority and increases the chances of your website ranking for a wider range of relevant keywords.

  • SEO Optimization for Combined Offering: Optimize your website architecture and landing pages to clearly explain the value proposition of your dual product and service offering. Use targeted keywords for both components within the content.

Infinitely Scalable Products: The inherently scalable nature of SaaS products allows for infinite customization and feature expansion to cater to diverse audiences and use cases. This abundance of features and target audiences provides a vast playground for content creation and SEO optimization.

SaaS SEO practitioners can leverage this flexibility to create highly targeted and relevant content that resonates with specific user segments, driving engagement and conversions.

In summary, SaaS SEO stands out due to its focus on complex sales cycles, dual product and service offerings, and infinitely scalable products. By understanding and addressing these unique aspects, SaaS companies can develop tailored SEO strategies that effectively attract and retain customers in a competitive digital landscape.ย 

Why is SEO Important for SaaS Companies?

SEO plays a crucial role in the success of SaaS companies by driving organic traffic, reducing customer acquisition costs, and enhancing brand credibility.ย 

Here’s why SEO is indispensable for SaaS businesses:

Scale Growth Exponentiallyย 

SEO enables SaaS companies to attract consistent and qualified organic traffic to their websites.

The average conversion rate for B2B SaaS SEO campaigns can vary depending on several factors, but here’s a breakdown to give you an idea:

  • Overall Website Conversion: According to B2B SaaS Conversion Rate Benchmarks, the typical conversion rate for B2B SaaS websites falls between 2% and 5%. This means that out of every 100 visitors to your site, 2-5 convert into a lead or paying customer.

  • SEO-Specific Conversion: Studies by First Page Sage show an average conversion rate of 2.1% for website visitors coming from SEO efforts. This means visitors who find your site organically are slightly more likely to convert compared to traffic from other channels.

Important Considerations:

  • Industry and Target Audience: Conversion rates can differ depending on your specific B2B SaaS niche and target customer. More complex solutions with longer sales cycles might see lower initial conversion rates.
  • Conversion Goal: Are you measuring sign-ups, demos, or free trial activations? Conversion rates will vary depending on the specific action you’re looking for.
  • Quality of SEO and Website: Well-optimized SEO attracts qualified leads more likely to convert. A user-friendly website with clear calls to action further improves conversion rates.

By optimizing for relevant keywords and creating high-quality content, SaaS businesses can expand their reach and attract potential customers who are actively seeking software solutions.

As more content is created and ranked, the potential for attracting traffic from diverse regions, countries, and languages increases, facilitating global expansion and customer acquisition at scale.

Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs with an Effective SaaS SEO Roadmap

According to a report, the average cost per click for a small b2b SaaS finance company is $1450.ย 

At the enterprise level, the cost is $14,772.

Determining your CAC and keeping it sustainable is essential to make any SaaS business a success.ย ย 

You might be wondering if your SaaS SEO Roadmap is operating in a different niche and what would be an ideal CAC in that case.

The bad news is that the answer to the question โ€œWhatโ€™s a good acquisition cost in SaaSโ€ is indifferent in nature: It Depends.

The good news is we can tell you what it depends on.

It depends pretty much on the value of a single customer to your SaaS business, which is most often represented in two ways:

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue of a single customer (MRR)
  • Lifetime Value of a single customer (LTV)ย 

Unlike paid advertising campaigns where businesses pay for every click, SEO offers a cost-effective alternative. While the initial investment in SEO may be higher, the long-term benefits include a continuous decrease in the cost per acquisition (CAC) as organic traffic grows over time. By reducing reliance on paid channels and increasing organic visibility, SaaS companies can lower their customer acquisition costs and improve overall profitability with an effective B2B SaaS SEO Strategy.

Effective SEO techniques that impact CAC for SaaS Businesses include:

  • ะกompetitors analysis and keywords research for SaaS
  • Content strategy for SaaS companies.
  • Know Your Leads and Map Your Audience Needs

Convert Customers from Other Channels

SEO complements and enhances other marketing channels, such as social media, email, and paid advertising. By providing additional touchpoints and opportunities for engagement, SEO helps prospects interact with the brand at various stages of the buyer’s journey.ย 

SaaS companies can leverage SEO to drive traffic to high-converting pages optimized for relevant keywords, thereby increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into leads or customers.ย 

Additionally, SEO ensures that valuable content is readily available to prospects when they actively search for information, helping to guide them through the decision-making process effectively.

In summary, B2B SaaS SEO Strategy for SaaS companies enables them to increase visibility, attract qualified leads, and lower customer acquisition costs.ย 

By investing in SEO, SaaS businesses can position themselves as industry leaders, drive sustainable growth, and establish a strong online presence in a competitive landscape.

SaaS SEO Keyword Research: Understanding Search Intentย 

Search intent, also referred to as user intent, encapsulates the purpose or goal driving a person’s search query on a search engine. It’s essentially the underlying reason behind the search, whether it’s to gain knowledge on a topic, locate a specific website, make a purchase decision, or compare products.ย 

Understanding search intent is crucial for businesses as it enables them to tailor their content to match what users are seeking, thereby enhancing content relevance and increasing the likelihood of ranking higher in search results.ย 

Moreover, aligning content with search intent improves the overall user experience by providing users with the information they are searching for, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.ย 

By delving deeper into search intent on a post-by-post basis, businesses can evaluate how each piece of content contributes to moving searchers further down the sales funnel or driving conversions, while also identifying opportunities to differentiate themselves from competitors.ย 

Common types of search intent include informational, commercial, navigational, and transactional, each serving a distinct purpose in fulfilling user needs and preferences.ย 

If you aim to nail your B2B SaaS Growth SEO then you need to have clarity on these four search intent types.ย 

The first 10 search results for the term โ€œKanban Project Managementโ€ all have a guide around the subject so it can be easily clubbed as top of funnel with the informational intent category.

kanban project management saas seo

Similarly for the keyword โ€œconstruction project managementโ€ keyword the results are a mix of listicles detailing about the best options in the construction space and some specific products that are ranking. This falls in the Commercial Category of keywords.ย 

Construction PM Commercial Search Intent in SaaS

Transactional category keywords are those where users are actively looking for information related to your product or comparing your SaaS Product with other competitors. As you can see in the example for jira vs clickup the SERP results are as follows.

clickup vs jira

By recognizing and catering to these different intents, businesses can optimize their content strategy to better serve their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives.

Example of Search Intent for B2B SaaS

Let’s take a fictional B2B SaaS company called “OptMyMail” that helps businesses optimize their email marketing campaigns. Here’s how we can categorize keyword search intent for their SEO strategy:

Informational Intent:

  • Keyword: “email marketing best practices”
  • Search Intent: Someone is in the early research phase, looking for general information on best practices to improve their email marketing.
  • Content Strategy: OptMyMail can create blog posts or infographics outlining best practices for email marketing. This establishes OptMyMail as a thought leader and positions them as a potential solution.

Transactional Intent:

  • Keyword: “free email marketing platform comparison”
  • Search Intent: The searcher is further down the funnel, actively comparing different email marketing platforms.
  • Content Strategy: OptMyMail can create a comparison chart or landing page highlighting the advantages of their platform against competitors.

Commercial Intent:

  • Keyword: “OptMyMail pricing plans”
  • Search Intent: The user is very close to making a purchase decision and is specifically looking for OptMyMail’s pricing information.
  • Content Strategy: OptMyMail should optimize their pricing page with clear details on plans and features, making it easy for users to find the right option.

By understanding search intent behind keywords, OptMyMail can tailor their content strategy to attract users at various stages of the buyer’s journey, ultimately converting them into paying customers.

How is search intent different in B2B SaaS?

In B2B SaaS, understanding search intent is crucial due to longer sales cycles, high subscription values, and complex decision-making processes.ย 

B2B decision-makers seek detailed, relevant answers to specific queries, expecting content tailored to their unique needs. To stand out, B2B SaaS companies must optimize content to match these queries, focusing on problem-awareness to solution-awareness progression.ย 

This involves addressing objections and highlighting value propositions comprehensively across the sales funnel.ย 

Whether through comparison guides, feature showcases, or success stories, aligning solutions with specific requirements is key to earning trust and securing business.

B2B SaaS SEO Strategy: How to Create a Seamless Marketing Funnel?ย 

As an SEO professional, you understand the importance of targeting the right kind of traffic. To fully leverage your SaaS SEO efforts, aligning your strategy with the various stages of the marketing funnel is essential.ย 

This means going beyond generic, high-volume keywords and instead optimizing for the specific search intent at each stage of the customer journey.

In SaaS, sales cycles are often protracted, decision-making is intricate, and multiple stakeholders are involved.ย 

To effectively capture and nurture leads through this intricate funnel, customizing your SEO strategy to cater to each stage is imperative. This approach ensures you connect with the relevant audience and maximize your conversion potential.

Top of the Funnel (ToFu): Building Awareness with SEO

In the initial phase of SaaS SEO, known as the awareness phase or top of the funnel (ToFu), the focus is on educating potential customers who are beginning to recognize their problems or needs. The goal here is to establish your brand as a thought leader by targeting broad, informational keywords and creating content that addresses general questions.

Some effective ToFu SaaS SEO tactics include:

  1. Crafting beginnerโ€™s guides, tutorials, and “what is” blog posts that offer a high-level overview of your niche or industry.
  2. Developing engaging content such as infographics, videos, or explanatory articles that educate your target audience on key concepts related to their pain points.
  3. Optimizing for question-based keywords (e.g., โ€œhow to improve team productivityโ€) to capture search traffic from leads in the early stages of exploring solutions.

The essence of targeting ToFu keywords lies in generating awareness and interest in your product category among users who may not be familiar with your brand but are seeking solutions to their problems.ย 

By creating content that answers their questions, adds value, and builds trust, you can effectively nurture these leads and guide them through the customer journey.ย 

Formats like blog posts, ebooks, guides, and videos are particularly effective for catering to ToFu keywords and engaging with potential customers at this stage.

Middle of the Funnel (MoFu): Engaging and Educating Potential Leads

As leads progress into the consideration phase, also known as the middle of the funnel (MoFu), they begin comparing various solutions and assessing which one best suits their needs. During this stage, your SaaS SEO strategy should pivot towards targeting more specific, solution-oriented keywords and producing content that highlights your productโ€™s unique value proposition.

To effectively engage leads in the MoFu stage, consider implementing the following SEO strategies:

  1. Craft detailed product comparisons that showcase your softwareโ€™s key features and advantages over competitors.
  2. Develop compelling case studies or success stories illustrating how your product has successfully addressed challenges for similar businesses.
  3. Optimize for solution-focused long-tail keywords (e.g., โ€œbest project management software for remote teamsโ€) to attract leads actively evaluating their options.
  4. Create in-depth blog posts or whitepapers that explore specific use cases or applications of your software.

The objective at this stage is to educate and inform leads who are already aware of their problem and actively seeking a solution.ย 

A point in case is a comparison page between HubSpot and Salesforce. The search term salesforce vs hubspot has a global monthly search volume of 2300 searches.ย 

The actual page that HubSpot has developed for this keyword generates more then 3200 clicks per month.

hubspot vs salesforce

Ranking for such keywords enables brands like HubSpot to capture important real estate in a crowded space.ย 

So itโ€™s essential in SaaS SEO to provide your target audience with comprehensive, product-focused content that addresses their specific pain points and underscores what sets your solution apart.ย 

This approach aims to guide them closer to making a purchase decision by demonstrating the value and relevance of your product.

Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu): Turning Leads into Customers

At the decision stage, or bottom of the funnel (BoFu), prospects are primed to make a purchase or sign up for your product. They’re aware of potential solutions and providers but seek that final nudge.ย 

Targeting BoFu keywords like โ€œhubspot pricingโ€ and โ€œclickup pricingโ€ is key, showing their transactional intent. The goal is clear: drive conversions and overcome any lingering doubts.ย 

Crafting content that reinforces product benefits, offers incentives like discounts, and provides social proof via testimonials can be highly effective. Landing pages, sales pages, and FAQs cater well to BoFu queries.

Hubspot Pricing

To maximize conversions, focus on high-intent, transactional keywords and address objections while showcasing your SaaS productโ€™s superiority. Strategies like optimizing pricing pages, creating tailored landing pages, and offering demos or free trials can seal the deal.ย 

Detailed ROI calculators and cost-saving estimators help quantify your softwareโ€™s value, while reviews and case studies provide crucial social proof. Employ clear, urgent CTAs and streamlined landing pages to guide leads towards conversion.ย 

At this stage, emphasize a persuasive and seamless user experience to ensure a successful journey to becoming customers.

11 SEO Strategies for SaaS Companies in 2024

Setting up your SaaS SEO Goals and KPIs

With Less than 1% of searchers clicking on the second page of Google results, you better get your SaaS SEO act together from day 1.

Setting clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) is paramount for a robust SEO strategy, whether it’s for SaaS or any other sector.ย 

Goals provide a direction for your efforts, such as boosting brand authority, attracting qualified leads, reducing customer acquisition costs, and engaging your audience with valuable content.ย 

SaaS KPIs, on the other hand, offer specific metrics to measure progress towards these goals. These can include organic traffic, conversions, keyword rankings, click-through rates, bounce rates, retention rates, revenue from organic sources, and more.

To set effective goals and KPIs for your SaaS SEO strategy, you first need to define what you want to achieve. :

  • Big-picture outcomes that align with your business objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, driving conversions, or lowering customer acquisition costs.ย 
  • Once you have your goals in place, you can then determine which specific metrics will indicate progress towards those goals. For instance, organic traffic is a crucial KPI for measuring the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, as it reflects the number of visitors your site receives from search engines.ย 
  • Similarly, tracking organic conversions allows you to gauge how many users are taking desired actions on your site, such as signing up for a free trial or requesting a demo.ย 
  • Other important KPIs include organic rankings, click-through rates (CTRs), bounce rates, retention rates, organic revenue, and more.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider non-branded versus branded searches to gauge brand awareness growth. Non-branded searches indicate that users are discovering your site through general topics or keywords, while branded searches suggest that users are specifically seeking your brand. By analyzing these search patterns, you can gain insights into your brand’s visibility and performance in the SERPs.

Moreover, tracking metrics like site speed, crawl errors, backlinks, and referring domains helps identify technical issues, content quality, and off-page SEO performance. These insights enable you to address issues promptly, improve your site’s visibility, and enhance its overall SEO performance.

In summary, setting goals and KPIs for your SaaS SEO strategy is essential for driving success and achieving meaningful outcomes.ย 

By defining clear objectives and tracking relevant metrics, you can measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your SEO efforts to maximize results.

Define the Customer Personas of your ideal SaaS Client

To craft a robust B2B SaaS SEO strategy, delving into your target audience is paramount.ย 

In the intricate landscape of B2B, your audience typically comprises various decision-makers and stakeholders, each wielding distinct needs, challenges, and objectives that mold their search habits and purchase choices.

A pivotal step is constructing comprehensive buyer personas that transcend surface-level demographics. These personas should encompass intricate details such as job titles, specific roles within the organization, the key performance indicators (KPIs) they oversee, and the precise pain points your SaaS solution alleviates. This in-depth understanding allows you to tailor your approach according to the diverse stages of the B2B buying journey.

For instance, while a CEO may seek broad insights into industry trends and strategic solutions, a project manager might delve into the specifics of features, integrations, and implementation. By discerning these subtleties, you can curate targeted content that resonates with each persona at their respective stage of the purchasing process.

To commence this journey, conducting thorough research and formulating customer personas are pivotal steps.ย 

These personas, essentially fictional representations of your ideal customers, encapsulate a myriad of details including demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs.

Why are they crucial? Because they furnish invaluable insights into your target audience’s preferences, pain points, and decision-making processes. Armed with this understanding, you can sculpt content that aligns with their search intent, addresses their challenges, and shepherds them through the intricate buyer’s odyssey.

Initiate by employing a customer persona template, capturing essential details about your audience.ย 

Tools like UXPressia and Xtensio can aid in further exploration, furnishing comprehensive dashboards replete with demographics, socioeconomics, behaviours, and more. Leveraging this data, segment your audience into distinct groups based on similarities and disparities, be it location, industry, education, or budget.

Subsequently, fashion distinct customer personas for each segment, utilizing the templates as guides. But the journey doesn’t conclude here. Continuous validation and refinement of these personas are imperative. Subject them to scrutiny by real customers and prospects, soliciting feedback from sales and customer service teams. Regular updates are crucial to reflect shifts in market dynamics and evolving customer behaviours.

SaaS B2B Buyer Persona

B2B SaaS SEO Customer Buyer Persona: The Efficiency Expert

Name: Sarah Jones

Title: Marketing Operations Manager

Company: TechScale, a mid-sized software development firm (500 employees)

Industry: Technology


  • Sarah is overwhelmed by the sheer volume of marketing tasks on her plate.
  • Manual data analysis for SEO performance is time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Difficulty keeping up with the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates.


  • Increase organic website traffic to generate more qualified leads.
  • Improve brand awareness within the tech industry.
  • Free up time to focus on strategic marketing initiatives.

Search Intent:

  • Informational: “best B2B SEO tools for keyword research,” “SEO trends for 2024”
  • Transactional: “comparison of B2B SEO platforms,” “free trial of SEO software”

Content Consumption Habits:

  • Reads industry blogs and publications like Search Engine Land and Moz.
  • Attends webinars and online courses on SEO best practices.
  • Actively participates in online marketing communities and forums.

How Marketers Can Build Customer Personas:

Marketers can create detailed customer personas like Sarah through a combination of research methods:

  • Customer Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with existing customers and prospects to understand their challenges, goals, and decision-making processes.
  • Website Analytics: Analyze website traffic data to identify user demographics, interests, and content consumption patterns.
  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Distribute surveys to gather quantitative data on customer pain points and preferences.
  • Market Research: Utilize industry reports and studies to gain insights into broader B2B SaaS buyer trends.

By combining these methods, marketers can build a comprehensive picture of their ideal B2B SaaS SEO customer, allowing them to tailor their content strategy, messaging, and outreach efforts for maximum impact.

Find Your Competitors and Analyze Their Strategies

In the ever-expanding realm of Software as a Service (SaaS), the landscape is rife with competitors vying for digital supremacy.

To navigate this competitive arena successfully, a meticulous SEO competitor analysis is indispensable.ย 

One fundamental step in this process is identifying your SEO competitors. Leveraging tools like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer allows you to discern the key players in your niche.

By scrutinizing relevant keywords and delving into the “also rank for” reports, you gain valuable intelligence on what drives organic traffic in your domain.

Once the contenders are identified, the focus shifts to unearthing their keyword strategies. A keyword gap analysis becomes imperative, revealing high-ranking keywords that elude your current SEO endeavors. It’s imperative to select keywords strategically, ensuring relevance to your business and the potential for conversion. Tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer offer profound insights into competitors’ search traffic and keyword prowess, enabling you to pinpoint lucrative keyword opportunities.

However, SEO prowess extends beyond mere keyword optimization. Content gaps represent another frontier to conquer. Analyzing competitors’ top-performing content unveils areas where you’re lagging. Armed with this knowledge, you can craft superior and unique content that fills these gaps, thereby bolstering your online presence.

Moreover, scrutinizing the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) provides invaluable insights into competitors’ visibility and tactics. Featured snippets, in particular, command attention, with over 12% of search queries featuring this prime real estate. By observing SERP formats and content types, you can tailor your SEO strategy to align with user intent effectively.

One more note before we get started: youโ€™ll want to keep your competitor analysis findings organized and in one place.There are a couple free templates available that you can make a copy of:

Build a Keyword List Around Pain Points

SEO strategy needs to revolve around prioritizing high-buying-intent keywords, focusing on creating dedicated pages for each one. This differs from the common practices observed in many companies and agencies:

– Instead of allocating most of the SEO efforts to high search volume, low buying intent keywords that yield minimal conversions,

– Itโ€™s better to refrain from attempting to rank for multiple keywords by employing scattering keywords throughout pages in hopes of ranking for various terms.

Consider a scenario where a client operates a platform boasting 100+ features, essentially serving as a comprehensive solution for various business needs. Each feature presents numerous high-buying-intent keywords, including feature + software keywords, feature + app keywords, and various long-tail variations.

Moreover, catering to diverse industries further broadens the scope of potential keywords. For instance, targeting “industry #1 + pm software” can be extended to equivalent keywords for other industries served, multiplying opportunities with each feature offered.

In contrast, ร  la carte SaaS products, or “point solutions,” with limited functionalities may have a narrower range of high-buying-intent keywords. The disparity can be likened to the distinction between ร  la carte keyword research tools and all-in-one SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, with the latter offering a more extensive array of buying keywords.

While Pain Point SEO has proven effective for ร  la carte SaaS clients, its value significantly amplifies for all-in-one tools. Therefore, if you’re a SaaS company with a robust feature set or an all-in-one platform, adopting the Pain Point SEO strategy presents a substantial opportunity.

However, the typical approach employed by SaaS companies or SEO agencies fails to capitalize on this opportunity due to several flaws:

  1. Core site pages struggle to rank for numerous high-value software category keywords due to limitations in space for including relevant SEO keywords and the primary focus on explaining features rather than targeting specific keyword intents.
  2. The abundance of high-intent keyword opportunities surpasses the capacity of features and solutions pages to effectively target them all.
  3. Blog content is often underutilized as a strategic tool for ranking valuable keywords and driving product signups, primarily serving top-of-funnel traffic with minimal conversion impact.

Identify SEO opportunities and low-hanging fruit

Focus on the low-hanging fruit in SEO to reap quick wins. Start by identifying keywords with high buying intent and low visibility, typically ranking from the bottom of page one to page two. These are your opportunities for optimization.

Optimize existing pages ranked from position 10 to 30 instead of creating new content. By making simple on-page optimizations, you can climb the rankings faster.

If we evaluate the website for the same the numbers show that over 44,000 keywords are currently ranking 11-30 position on Google SERPs.ย 

This is a goldmine for their team if Iโ€™m being honest :D. position 11-30

Once you reach the first page of search results, aim for a featured snippet to boost visibility even further. This prime position increases the value of your content.

After optimizing positions 11 to 30, target keywords ranking beyond position 30. This approach yields sustainable results quickly, demonstrating the value of SEO and gaining support from leadership for further investment.

Remember, SEO is a competitive game. Look for opportunities where competitors aren’t ranking, even if they’re low-volume terms. These can lead to quick wins and help build authority for more competitive keywords.

Locating Keywords of Value for your B2B SaaS SEO Campaign

Here are some actionable tips on how marketers can find low-hanging fruit keywords for their B2B SaaS SEO campaign:

1. Leverage Existing Resources:

  • Google Search Console: This free tool from Google provides valuable insights into keywords your website already ranks for. Look for keywords with decent search volume but lower ranking positions. These can be optimized for with a good chance of climbing the ranks quickly.

  • Website Analytics: Dive into your website analytics platform (e.g., Google Analytics) and identify landing pages or blog posts that already generate organic traffic. Analyze the keywords users find these pages for and explore related terms with similar search intent.

  • Competitor Research: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to analyze your top competitors’ organic keywords. Look for keywords with moderate search volume where your competitors rank lower. These could be opportunities to outrank them with targeted optimization.

2. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords:

While high-volume B2B SaaS keywords might seem tempting, competition is fierce. Instead, target long-tail keywords (3+ words) that are more specific to your niche and user intent. These keywords are easier to rank for and often attract highly qualified leads who are further down the buyer’s journey.

3. Answer User Questions with Content:

Explore industry forums, social media groups, and online communities where your target audience gathers. Analyze the questions they ask about your B2B SaaS niche and related challenges. Create informative blog posts, articles, or FAQs that directly address these questions, incorporating the related keywords naturally.

4. Utilize “People Also Ask” & Autocomplete Features:

When you search for relevant keywords on Google, pay attention to the “People Also Ask” section and autocomplete suggestions. These reveal additional user queries related to your initial search term. These provide valuable low-hanging fruit keyword opportunities that can be incorporated into your content strategy.

5. Look for Branded & Geographic Keywords:

Don’t forget about keywords that include your brand name or target a specific geographic location. These keywords typically have lower competition and higher conversion rates as users are actively searching for your solution or within your service area.

Remember: Finding low-hanging fruit keywords is just the first step. To truly benefit from them, ensure your website content is optimized for those keywords, providing valuable information and a clear call to action for your target audience. By consistently implementing these tactics, you’ll build a strong foundation for your B2B SaaS SEO campaign and attract qualified leads organically.

Build your topic clusters

Organize your website like a jar of jellybeans: structured and easy to navigate. Group keywords into clusters, with the highest volume ones reserved for pillar pages. Start with supporting content for lower volume terms, then create a comprehensive guide linking to these pieces.

Choose which cluster to tackle first based on high-priority keywords or input from colleagues. Focus on clusters that best represent your solution, or explore those with fewer competitors for quick wins.

Don’t overlook low-volume keywordsโ€”they add up. While competitors might target one high-volume keyword, you can dominate with multiple targeted pieces covering variations.

Create Better Content Than Your Competitors

Are you struggling to outrank other articles on the same topic? It might be because you’re not meeting the user’s query better than the competition. Here are eight tips to improve:

  1. Dive deeper into the topic, providing comprehensive coverage.
  2. Incorporate interactive content like infographics and videos for higher engagement.
  3. Opt for short URLs, as they tend to rank better.
  4. Structure your content for easy readability and quick answers.
  5. Use visuals generously, with at least 10 images to boost rankings.
  6. Ensure readability with bullet points, white space, and concise paragraphs.
  7. Craft compelling titles to captivate readers.
  8. Utilize proven blog post templates for a well-organized structure.

Once your site structure is optimized, focus on a content strategy tailored to your audience’s needs at each funnel stage. Address their pain points and showcase how your product solves their problems. This builds trust and authority throughout their journey.

Offer a mix of content formats such as blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies. Blogs can target informational queries, while whitepapers and case studies provide deeper insights.

Consider using topic clusters to organize your content effectively. Identify related topics using tools like Semrush’s Topic Research for enhanced relevance and expertise.

Consistently delivering high-quality, relevant content is key to B2B SaaS SEO success.

Leverage On-Page & Technical SEO

On-page and technical SEO are critical components of SaaS SEO success, ensuring your website is fast, secure, and optimized for both users and search engines. Here’s a breakdown of key factors to focus on:

  1. Site Speed: The loading speed of your website impacts user experience, conversions, and search engine rankings across devices and browsers.
  2. Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your site is responsive, easy to navigate, and readable on mobile devices to enhance user experience, conversions, and rankings.
  3. HTTPS: Secure your website with HTTPS to encrypt data, build user trust, improve conversion rates, and boost rankings.
  4. URL Structure: Organize and name your site’s pages effectively for better user experience, crawlability, and rankings. Keep it simple, descriptive, and consistent.
  5. Meta Tags: Craft relevant, unique, and optimized meta tags to provide information to search engines and users, influencing crawlability, click-through rates, and rankings.

Conducting a technical SEO audit is a crucial step in optimizing your site. This audit identifies issues like slow loading times and duplicate content, providing insights and recommendations for improvement. You can use various tools or seek assistance from a specialized SaaS SEO agency to perform the audit and prioritize fixes for maximum impact on rankings.

In summary, by addressing on-page and technical SEO factors, you can enhance your SaaS website’s performance and visibility in search engine results, ultimately driving more traffic and conversions.

Link Building in SaaS

SaaS link building is fundamental for enhancing brand visibility and search engine ranking through the acquisition of links from external websites. Backed by Google’s affirmation of backlinks as pivotal ranking factors, these links serve as indicators of content quality. Given the predominant online presence of the SaaS industry, establishing a robust digital footprint is indispensable.

Implementing effective link-building strategies yields numerous advantages:

Firstly, it fosters trust and credibility by securing mentions on authoritative websites. Moreover, it drives an increase in website traffic as more visitors are directed through backlinks. Furthermore, it contributes to enhanced search rankings by bolstering domain authority.ย 

Additionally, strategically placed links facilitate the generation of leads and sales. Lastly, it positions the brand as an authoritative leader within its niche, garnering increased mentions and respect for its content.

To execute successful link building for SaaS companies, consider employing various tactics:

– Tools and Calculators

– Best-in-class value-add content

– Industry statistics and trends

– API & How-To Documentation

Brand mentions without a link

– Industry Roundups

– Widgets & Embeds

– Reviews & Testimonials

– HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

– Guest Blogging AKA Guest Posting

– SaaS Directories and Review Sites

– Review Competitorโ€™s Backlinks

– The โ€œGlossary pageโ€ Method

– Paid link acquisition

– Purchasing existing rankings pages

By combining these tactics with a strategic approach to link building, SaaS companies can enhance their online presence, credibility, and ultimately, their bottom line.

B2B Link Building vs B2C Link Building

Both B2B SaaS and B2C marketing benefit from link building in SEO, but its importance takes on a slightly different character for B2B audiences. Here’s a breakdown:

Importance of Link Building for B2B SaaS SEO:

  • Establishes Industry Credibility: In the B2B world, trust and expertise are paramount. Backlinks from high-authority websites within your industry signal to search engines and potential customers that your B2B SaaS solution is reliable and trustworthy.

  • Targets Decision-Makers: B2B purchases often involve multiple stakeholders. Links from relevant industry publications or publications frequented by decision-makers put your B2B SaaS offering in front of the right audience at the right time.

  • Boosts Organic Traffic Quality: B2C marketing often prioritizes high website traffic volume. B2B SEO, however, focuses on attracting qualified leads. Backlinks from relevant sources ensure the traffic coming to your website is from potential customers genuinely interested in your B2B SaaS solution.

  • Long-Term SEO Value: Unlike some B2C trends, B2B needs and challenges evolve slower. High-quality backlinks from reputable sources have a longer shelf life in B2B SEO, offering sustained value over time.

Comparison to B2C Link Building:

  • Focus on Brand Awareness: B2C marketing often prioritizes building general brand awareness across a broader audience. Link building in B2C can leverage social media influencers or popular websites to generate buzz and website traffic.

  • Shorter Sales Cycles: B2C purchases are often impulsive or made relatively quickly. Link building in B2C can target high-volume keywords and short-term website traffic spikes to drive immediate sales.

  • Emotional Appeal: B2C marketing often uses emotional storytelling and visuals to connect with consumers. Link building in B2C can leverage backlinks from lifestyle websites or social media platforms that resonate with the target audience.

In essence, link building in B2B SaaS SEO is a strategic investment in building trust, and authority, and attracting qualified leads within your industry. While B2C marketing might prioritize broader reach and brand awareness, B2B SEO focuses on quality over quantity, ensuring backlinks come from relevant sources that validate your B2B SaaS offering to potential customers.

Define a content distribution strategy

Consider: About 7.5 million new blog posts emerge daily, with 91% receiving zero Google search traffic.ย 

To stand out, proactive promotion is crucial, especially upon publication. Content distribution via social media, newsletters, and guest blogging is key for SaaS.


  1. Drive traffic: New content needs promotion to signal its importance to Google and attract visitors.
  2. Build links: Strategic distribution secures backlinks to boost your content’s authority and search ranking.
  3. Accelerate ranking: Increased traffic and backlinks can expedite your content’s journey to Google’s first page.

In essence, effective distribution ensures your content reaches its audience, driving traffic and business impact.

Donโ€™t forget about internal linking

In most cases, when we engage with potential prospects, one of our initial quick wins involves internal link building in SEO.

Chances are, you have numerous internal linking opportunities for your SaaS business that can:

  1. Boost SERP rankings swiftly, leading to increased visibility and clicks.
  2. Drive conversions, such as trial and demo sign-ups for your product.

However, many SaaS marketing teams overlook internal linking due to:

  1. Lack of awareness about its benefits and how to use it effectively.
  2. Prioritization of content creation and other SEO activities over internal linking.
  3. Absence of tracking or a process for managing internal links.
  4. Haphazard link-building practices, diluting the value of internal linking.

We simplify internal linking for our clients and capitalize on opportunities. This approach enables us to leverage our existing backlink profile effectively, outperforming stronger competitors in the SERPs.

Are you ready to take action and harness the power of internal linking, a strategy that most of your competitors likely aren’t utilizing?

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